Friday, April 29, 2011

Humans !!!!!

Under the tag of so-called 'Rational' or Selfish thinking, people unnecessarily die for getting some kind of recognition. I would really be surprised or content if some other specie than human recognizes me. That is the need of today ! ....

Getting recognized by all species on earth....

We achieved 'Global Warming' as a result of rapid growth and 'Indus''trial'ization ....

What a coincidence...was just going through the word 'Industrialization' ....

I found Indus and Trial in it.......after thinking a bit, I concluded that Mankind was really put on a trial in the Indus Valley during civilization......

But at the end, there is no growth but deterioration of nature !

Humans realized it when their existence is put at stake by mother nature !!!!!

So Sad .... Its the festival of global Diwali.....we have lit the firecracker 'The Earth' successfully..... Now just need to watch what happens next !


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